Sunday, February 20, 2011


As told by Diane, an independent rescuer in NC...  "Midnight was an owner surrender in the summer of 2009.   He was not quite a year old.   He was fostered by a woman that used to volunteer with us.   She has two Chinese crested dogs, both around 7-8 pounds.  Midnight kept trying to play with them, but they were afraid of him, and she was afraid they'd get hurt.   So she put him outside to be a "guard dog". He seems to really like other dogs.  She never spends time with him other than just feeding him once a day.  He was on a very long tether and i've never seen him run free.   I've been trying to place him since last summer. "

Jessica with Black Dog Rescue in Maine offered to take Midnight and find him a forever family of his own.


The loveable Mr. Midnight loaded up and ready to take the first of four flights today, which will take him to Maine and a chance for a better life.

Midnight arrives at Williamsburg, VA (KJGG), flown in by Leg 1 Pilot Dave.

Midnight is as strong as he is loveable.   He took us all for a drag.

Team Mutt Muffs Michele and Cheri get acquainted with Sir Midnight.
Such a happy dog.   He'll never know how close he came to the end, if not for the wonderful rescue volunteers

Time for pre-flight inspection before starting Leg 2.  

The air filter smells ok.

Exhaust stack is ok too.
Treats are in my pocket silly, not the bag.  
Dave passes on Midnight's paperwork, and it's time to hit the trail.   
Next stop - Cape May, NJ

We had a beautiful ride up the Atlantic coastline to Cape May, NJ.    Here we say goodbye to Midnight and wish him the wonderful life he deserves.   

Leg 3 Pilot Shlomo will now fly this lucky boy to Montgomery, NY

Shlomo and Midnight get acquainted before starting Leg 3 of this life-saving journey

Shlomo and Midnight arrive at KMGJ, Montgomery, NY, and meet Midnight's final pilot of the day - Gary.    One last flight will deliver this beautiful dog to Jessica, with Black Dog Rescue in Maine.   

I know he'll find his forever family in no time.

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